inflooens offers real-time operational insights and lets you
- Discover referral partners with realtor insights, plan partnerships, and track efforts.
- Manage partnerships with a guided planner and timeline view.
- Foster relationships with live production and health dashboards.
- Set and monitor goals using a comprehensive partner dashboard.

Discovering and Managing Target Referral Partners for Lead Generation
Real-time insights for successful lead generation by identifying ideal referral partners.
- Find referral partners using realtor insights and filters.
- Automatically link MLS activities to loan officers’ production.
- Simplify duplicate management with an intuitive interface.

Action Plan for Success
All-in-one partner pursuit toolkit, designed to make the process more efficient, informed, and successful.
- Proactive relationship-building planner
- Categorize leads using MLS data to identify top prospects.
- Receive real-time partnership updates and inactivity notifications.
- Access insights through the activity timeline.

Nurture Relationships
Acquire, maintain, and strengthen connections through regular communication, appreciation, and support.
- Real-time dashboard partner for management
- Performance-based organisation using live production metrics
- Boost wallet share and partnership value.
- Partnership management with a versatile activity planner

Set Goals and Monitor Progress
360° view, including robust goal-setting, monitoring, and referral status reporting.
- Real-time goal tracking
- Access a 360° partner network view for informed decisions.
- Referral status reporting for insights and improvements
- Automate and streamline routine tasks.